How to Clean Breg Polar Care Cube: Step-by-Step Guide

By Assistant

To clean the Breg Polar Care Cube, wipe the unit with a damp cloth and mild soap, then dry thoroughly. Proper cleaning will help maintain the unit’s effectiveness and prolong its lifespan.

The Breg Polar Care Cube is a valuable tool for managing pain and swelling after surgery or injury. To ensure it continues to function optimally, regular cleaning is essential. By following the proper cleaning guidelines, you can keep your Breg Polar Care Cube in top condition and ready to provide the relief you need.

Taking the time to clean and maintain your unit will contribute to its longevity, allowing you to continue benefiting from its therapeutic effects for an extended period.

How to Clean Breg Polar Care Cube: Step-by-Step Guide


Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

When it comes to keeping your Breg Polar Care Cube in top condition, regular cleaning is essential. Start by gathering your supplies to ensure a smooth and effective cleaning process.

Cleaning Solution

Opt for a mild detergent or soap that is safe for use on plastics and medical equipment. Avoid harsh chemicals that may damage the material of the Breg Polar Care Cube.

Soft Cloth Or Sponge

Use a soft and non-abrasive cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the surface of the device. This will help in preventing any damage and maintaining its appearance.

How to Clean Breg Polar Care Cube: Step-by-Step Guide


Step 2: Unplug And Disassemble The Cube

When cleaning your Breg Polar Care Cube, it’s crucial to follow the correct steps to ensure the machine remains in top condition and continues to provide effective cooling therapy. Step 2 involves unplugging and disassembling the cube. This step is essential for not only maintaining the machine but also ensuring your safety while cleaning it. Below are the detailed instructions for this step.

Turn Off The Machine

Before starting to disassemble the Breg Polar Care Cube, ensure that the machine is turned off. This will prevent any potential accidents or malfunctions during the cleaning process.

Disconnect The Power Cord And Hose

Once the machine is turned off, carefully disconnect the power cord and the hose from the cube. This will allow you to clean these components separately and thoroughly, ensuring that there is no buildup of dust or debris that could affect the machine’s performance.

Remove The Pad

Next, you’ll need to remove the pad from the Breg Polar Care Cube. This can be done by gently detaching the pad from the machine, taking care not to damage it in the process. Once removed, inspect the pad for any signs of wear and tear, and clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain its effectiveness.

Step 3: Wipe Down The Cube

To clean the Breg Polar Care Cube, the third step is to wipe it down thoroughly. Use a soft cloth or sponge dampened with warm water and mild soap to wipe the exterior and remove any dirt or residue. Make sure to dry the cube completely before using it again.

Now that you have carefully detached the tubing from the Breg Polar Care Cube and removed the water from the reservoir, it’s time to thoroughly clean the exterior of the device. This step is crucial to maintain the hygiene and functionality of the cube. Follow these simple instructions to make sure the cube is wiped down properly.

Dampen The Cloth Or Sponge

Start by dampening a clean cloth or sponge. Ensure that the cloth or sponge is not too wet to avoid any potential damage to the device. Once dampened, you are ready to wipe down the exterior surfaces of the cube.

Gently Wipe The Exterior Surfaces

Using the damp cloth or sponge, gently wipe the exterior surfaces of the Breg Polar Care Cube. This includes the top, sides, and front panels. Ensure that you are thorough in your cleaning, making sure to reach all areas of the cube. By doing so, you will remove any dust, dirt, or residue that may have accumulated over time.

If the cube has any stubborn stains or marks, you can apply a mild soap solution to the cloth or sponge. However, it is important to remember not to use any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as they may cause damage to the cube.

Pay Special Attention To Buttons And Knobs

When wiping down the cube, pay special attention to the buttons and knobs. These areas tend to accumulate dirt and sweat, especially when used frequently. Take your time to clean these parts thoroughly, ensuring that no residue is left behind.

Make sure to exercise caution while cleaning the buttons and knobs. Avoid getting any excessive liquid into these areas, as it may affect the functionality of the cube. Instead, focus on using gentle strokes to clean these delicate components.

By following these cleaning steps, you will help prolong the life of your Breg Polar Care Cube and ensure that it remains in optimal condition. Remember to maintain regular cleaning practices to keep the device hygienic and ready for use.

Step 4: Clean The Pad

Once you have disconnected the pad from the Breg Polar Care Cube and removed any excess moisture, it’s time to clean the pad thoroughly. Cleaning the pad regularly ensures optimal performance and hygiene. Follow these simple steps:

Fill A Sink With Warm Water And Cleaning Solution

To begin, fill a sink with warm water and add a mild cleaning solution. Make sure the sink is large enough to accommodate the pad comfortably.

Submerge The Pad In The Water

Submerge the pad in the sink filled with the warm water and cleaning solution. Allow the pad to soak for a few minutes, allowing the cleaning solution to penetrate and loosen any dirt or residue.

Gently Scrub The Pad

Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently scrub the pad to remove any dirt or stains. Be careful not to scrub too vigorously, as this could damage the pad’s surface or components. Pay extra attention to any areas that appear particularly soiled.

Rinse And Air Dry The Pad

After scrubbing the pad, thoroughly rinse it with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution or residue. Once rinsed, squeeze out any excess water from the pad. To ensure proper drying, lay the pad flat on a clean, dry surface or hang it up in a well-ventilated area. Allow the pad to air dry completely before reconnecting it to the Breg Polar Care Cube for future use.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your Breg Polar Care Cube pad clean and in optimal condition. Regular cleaning helps maintain its effectiveness and ensures your comfort during rehabilitation.

Step 5: Reassemble And Plug In The Cube

Now that your Breg Polar Care Cube is sparkling clean, it’s time to put everything back together and get it ready for your next use! Follow these simple steps to reassemble the cube and ensure it’s ready to provide you with the soothing therapy you need:

Reattach The Pad

Begin by reattaching the pad to the Breg Polar Care Cube. Take the pad with the connector end and align it with the corresponding port on the cube. Ensure it fits snugly and securely into place. This will ensure proper functioning and prevent any leaks during therapy.

Connect The Power Cord And Hose

Next, grab the power cord and hose. Connect one end of the hose to the port located on the back of the cube. Make sure it is firmly inserted and securely attached. Then, connect the other end of the hose to the pad’s connector. This will establish the necessary connection for the flow of cold therapy to the pad.

Plug In The Cube

Now, it’s time to bring your Breg Polar Care Cube to life again. Plug in the cube’s power cord into a standard electrical outlet. Verify that the power cord is fully inserted and locked into place. This ensures a continuous power supply, allowing the cube to maintain its cooling capabilities throughout your therapy session.

With the reassembly and plugging in complete, your Breg Polar Care Cube is now ready to deliver its revitalizing cold therapy. Make sure to double-check that all connections are secure and proper before starting your therapy. By following these simple steps, you can ensure optimal performance and cleanliness for every use of your Polar Care Cube.

How to Clean Breg Polar Care Cube: Step-by-Step Guide


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean Breg Polar Care Cube

Faq 1: How Often Should I Clean My Breg Polar Care Cube?

Cleaning your Breg Polar Care Cube is recommended after each use to maintain hygiene and prevent bacteria growth. Regular cleaning ensures optimal functioning and extends the life of your device. Cleaning instructions can be found in the user manual provided with the cube.

Faq 2: What Is The Best Way To Clean The Breg Polar Care Cube?

To clean your Breg Polar Care Cube, disconnect the power cord and remove the wrap and hose. Use a mild detergent and warm water to wipe down the exterior of the cube. Rinse with clean water and allow it to air dry before reassembling.

Remember not to immerse it in water or use abrasive cleaners.

Faq 3: How Do I Clean The Wrap And Hose Of My Breg Polar Care Cube?

To clean the wrap and hose, detach them from the cube and hand wash them in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and air dry before connecting them back to the cube. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as they may damage the materials.

Refer to the user manual for detailed cleaning instructions.

Faq 4: Can I Use Disinfectants To Clean My Breg Polar Care Cube?

It is not recommended to use disinfectants or bleach on the Breg Polar Care Cube. These harsh chemicals can damage the materials and affect the functionality of the device. Stick to mild detergent and water for regular cleaning. If you have specific concerns or need guidance, consult the manufacturer or healthcare professional.


To summarize, cleaning your Breg Polar Care Cube is a simple process that can extend the lifespan of this valuable device. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure optimal performance and hygiene. Regular maintenance will help prevent equipment malfunctions and ensure a smooth recovery process.

By taking the time to care for your Breg Polar Care Cube, you can experience its benefits for a longer period of time.

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