How Much Does It Cost to Clean Vomit in Car: The Ultimate Guide

By Assistant

Cleaning vomit in a car can cost between $50 to $150, depending on the severity and the professional cleaning service chosen. Vomit cleanup costs typically cover labor, cleaning materials, and deodorizing.

Dealing with vomit in a car can be a challenging and unpleasant task for car owners. Whether it’s caused by motion sickness, overindulgence, or other reasons, the smell and stain left behind can be difficult to eradicate. Professional cleaning services can help efficiently remove the vomit, sanitize the affected area, and eliminate any lingering odors.

Additionally, they have the necessary tools and expertise to ensure thorough cleaning without damaging the car’s interior. Understanding the cost involved in vomit cleanup can help car owners make informed decisions and promptly address such incidents to maintain a clean and pleasant driving environment.

Why Cleaning Vomit In Car Is Important

Vomiting in a car is not only unpleasant but also a common occurrence, especially when traveling with children or individuals who are prone to motion sickness. Ignoring the vomit and leaving it uncleaned can result in more than just a foul smell and unsightly stains. Understanding the importance of promptly and effectively cleaning vomit in your car is crucial for maintaining a pleasant driving experience and the value of your vehicle. Let’s explore the reasons why cleaning vomit in your car is important.

Preventing Stains And Odors

Promptly cleaning vomit in your car helps prevent stains and odors from setting in. This is crucial because vomit can leave stubborn and unpleasant stains on the interior fabrics and surfaces of your car, making it unattractive and reducing its resale value. The odor from dried or improperly cleaned vomit can be persistent and difficult to remove, leading to an uncomfortable driving experience.

Maintaining The Value Of Your Car

Regular and thorough cleaning of vomit in your car is essential for maintaining the value of your vehicle. Neglecting to clean vomit promptly can lead to permanent damage to the interior surfaces, affecting the overall appearance and appeal of your car. By maintaining a clean and well-cared-for interior, you can preserve the resale value and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean Vomit in Car: The Ultimate Guide


Factors Affecting The Cost Of Cleaning Vomit In Car

Factors that impact the cost of cleaning vomit in a car include the extent of the mess, type of upholstery, and additional sanitization services required. The overall price can vary depending on these factors.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Cleaning Vomit in Car Cleaning vomit out of a car is not only unpleasant but also a task that comes with a cost. The extent of the vomit, the type of surface it lands on, and whether professional cleaning services are sought all play a role in determining the cost of cleaning up. Understanding these factors can shed light on the potential costs and help car owners make informed decisions about the best course of action.

Extent Of The Vomit

The amount of vomit is a key factor in determining the cost of cleaning. A small vomit incident might require minimal effort and cleaning products, coming in at a lower cost. However, extensive and widespread vomit in the car could entail significant cleaning time and materials, leading to a higher cost. Additionally, if the vomit has soaked into the car upholstery or carpet, the cleaning process becomes more intricate, further impacting the cost.

Type Of Surface

The surface where vomit has landed also affects the cleaning cost. If the vomit is on hard surfaces, such as plastic, glass, or leather, it may be easier to clean and require fewer specialized products, thus reducing the overall cost. On the other hand, vomit on fabric surfaces like car seats and carpets can be more challenging to clean, as it may require specialized cleaning solutions and techniques, potentially increasing the cost. In some cases, seeking professional cleaning services may be the best option for efficiently and effectively tackling the aftermath of vomit in a car. Professional cleaners have the expertise, specialized tools, and cleaning products to address the situation thoroughly. While this option may come at an additional cost, it can often save time and ensure a more thorough and lasting result, especially for extensive or stubborn vomit stains. In conclusion, understanding the factors that influence the cost of cleaning vomit in a car can help individuals anticipate the potential expenses involved in dealing with such a situation. By considering the extent of the vomit, the type of surface it has affected, and the option of professional cleaning services, individuals can make informed decisions regarding the best approach to cleaning vomit from their car.

Diy Methods And Cost Estimates

When it comes to cleaning up vomit in your car, the last thing you want is to spend a fortune. Luckily, there are several DIY methods you can try that won’t break the bank. In this section, we will discuss the cost estimates for using household cleaners, renting a steam cleaner, and hiring a detailing service.

Using Household Cleaners

If you’re on a budget and prefer to use household cleaners you already have, this method can be a cost-effective solution. Most likely, you’ll already have a few cleaning supplies around your home that can tackle the task at hand.

To clean vomit from your car, you’ll need:

  • A bucket of warm water
  • Mild dish soap or laundry detergent
  • White vinegar
  • A scrub brush or sponge
  • A microfiber cloth or towel

First, mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of dish soap or laundry detergent. Apply the solution to the affected area and use the scrub brush or sponge to gently scrub away the vomit. Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry with a microfiber cloth or towel. If there is still an odor, you can spray a mixture of white vinegar and water onto the area and let it air dry.

The cost of using household cleaners for vomit cleanup can vary depending on the products you already have. If you don’t have any of the required supplies, you can purchase them for around $10 to $20 at your local grocery store.

Renting A Steam Cleaner

If you prefer a deeper clean and have a bit of flexibility in your budget, renting a steam cleaner may be a suitable option. Steam cleaners use hot water and detergent to remove stains and odors, making them effective for vomit cleanup.

The cost of renting a steam cleaner can vary depending on your location and the rental duration. On average, you can expect to pay around $25 to $50 for a 24-hour rental. Steam cleaners usually come with upholstery attachments that are perfect for cleaning vomit from car seats and carpets.

When using a steam cleaner, it’s important to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take proper safety precautions. Make sure to adequately ventilate your car while cleaning and allow ample drying time once you’re finished.

Hiring A Detailing Service

If you’re short on time or simply prefer to leave the dirty work to the professionals, hiring a detailing service is a convenient option. Professional detailers have the expertise and specialized equipment to thoroughly clean and sanitize your car, ensuring a vomit-free and fresh-smelling interior.

The cost of hiring a detailing service for vomit cleanup can vary depending on the size of your car and the extent of the mess. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $150 for this service. While it may be the most expensive option, it can save you valuable time and provide peace of mind knowing the job is being handled by experts.

Now that you are aware of the DIY methods and cost estimates for cleaning vomit in your car, you can choose the option that best suits your budget and preferences.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean Vomit in Car: The Ultimate Guide


Professional Cleaning Services

When your car becomes a victim of vomit, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. Not only is the smell overwhelming, but the stain left behind can be tough to remove. While some may attempt to clean it themselves, seeking professional cleaning services can save you time, effort, and ensure a thorough and hygienic cleansing.

Car Detailing Companies

If you want your car to look brand new again, car detailing companies are your best bet. These professionals specialize in restoring the interior and exterior of vehicles, leaving them spotless and smelling fresh. Car detailing services typically include full vacuuming of the upholstery and carpets, thorough washing of the exterior, and the use of specialized cleaning products to eliminate any odors.

While the cost of car detailing can vary depending on the size and condition of your vehicle, as well as the location, you can expect to pay an average of $100 to $200 for a complete interior cleaning and detailing. This investment may seem steep initially, but the benefits of a professionally cleaned car can far outweigh the cost.

Carpet Cleaning Companies

If the vomit has seeped into your car’s carpeting, carpet cleaning companies can come to the rescue. These professionals use powerful steam cleaners and specialized solutions to effectively remove stains and odors from your car’s carpets, leaving them fresh and sanitized.

The cost of carpet cleaning services for your car can range from $50 to $100, depending on the size of the affected area and the severity of the stains. While it may be tempting to try and tackle the stain yourself with a DIY solution, carpet cleaning companies have the expertise and equipment to ensure a deep and thorough cleaning.


When it comes to cleaning vomit in your car, professional cleaning services are the way to go. Car detailing companies can restore your car’s interior and exterior to its former glory, while carpet cleaning companies can effectively remove stains and odors from your car’s carpeting. While the cost of these services may seem high initially, the results are worth every penny.

Tips For Preventing Vomit In Car

Preventing vomit in the car can save you money on cleaning costs. To prevent vomit in the car, keep a sick bag handy and avoid overeating before long drives. Also, consider using seat covers for easy clean-up in case of accidents.

Avoid Overeating Before Travel

One of the key tips for preventing vomit in your car is to avoid overeating before a journey. Consuming large meals or indulging in heavy, greasy foods can increase the likelihood of nausea and vomiting during the ride.

By opting for lighter, healthier meals before your trip, you can help prevent an upset stomach and minimize the risk of any unwanted accidents in your car. Stick to smaller portions and choose easily digestible foods to keep your stomach settled throughout the journey.

Place Disposable Bags Or Containers

Another effective strategy to prevent vomit in your car is to be prepared with disposable bags or containers. This way, if anyone in the car starts to feel sick, they can easily use these bags or containers to contain the mess.

Keep a supply of plastic bags or sealable containers within easy reach of every passenger. This simple step can prevent the spread of vomit and make cleaning up much easier later on.

Clean Spills Immediately

One of the most important tips to remember is to clean up any spills or accidents in your car immediately. The longer you wait to attend to a vomit mess, the more challenging it can become to remove the stains and eliminate any lingering odors.

As soon as possible, pull over to a safe area and use appropriate cleaning supplies to address the vomit. Blot the affected area gently with paper towels or absorbent cloth. Afterwards, use a mild detergent or specialized car upholstery cleaner to thoroughly clean and sanitize the spot.

Remember to wear protective gloves and mask while cleaning to avoid any direct contact with the vomit and to protect yourself from the odor.

By following these practical tips and being prepared, you can significantly reduce the chances of dealing with vomit in your car. Prevention is key to maintaining a clean and pleasant driving experience.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean Vomit in Car: The Ultimate Guide


Frequently Asked Questions On How Much Does It Cost To Clean Vomit In Car

How Much Does Vomit Clean-up In A Car Cost?

The cost for professional vomit clean-up in a car can vary depending on the extent of the mess and the type of upholstery. On average, you can expect to pay between $150 to $300 for professional cleaning services. DIY cleaning kits are available for around $30, but may not be as effective for deep stains and odors.

Can I Clean Vomit From My Car Myself?

Yes, you can clean vomit from your car yourself. Start by removing any solid material, then blot the area with a paper towel. Mix a solution of water and mild detergent, apply it to the stain, and gently scrub with a soft brush.

Finally, rinse with clean water and blot dry. However, professional services may be needed for deep stains and odors.

Is It Necessary To Have Professional Vomit Clean-up In A Car?

While you can clean vomit from your car yourself, professional clean-up is recommended for more effective results, especially for deep stains and persistent odors. Professionals have specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to thoroughly remove the mess and eliminate any lingering smells.

This ensures a cleaner and odor-free car interior.


Cleaning vomit from a car can be a nauseating experience, both mentally and financially. The cost will vary depending on the extent of the mess and the cleaning method used. DIY options like using baking soda or enzyme cleaner can save you money, but professional detailing services may provide a thorough and efficient solution.

Remember, prevention is always key. Properly managing car sickness and taking immediate action can help minimize the damage and expense involved in cleaning vomit from your car. So, stay prepared and keep your car fresh and clean!

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